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Spire Barristers - 12 Months - September 2026

Please Note: The application deadline for this job has now passed.

Pupillage Vacancy Information

About Authorised Education and Training Organisation
Our barristers provide specialist Legal Advice and Advocacy services in the core areas of Family and Public Law. Spire Barristers is a unique set of chambers, where all members, pupils and staff are encouraged and guided to be the best they can. We celebrate diversity and embrace our differences. Pupillage within #TeamSpire was developed and refined to ensure our principle of excellence is upheld, whilst providing an enjoyable, challenging and, we believe, inspiring twelve months. We always recruit pupils with a view to tenancy.

Our specialist and bespoke pupillage training programme is designed to ensure that, by the end of their training, chambers’ pupils are able to securely satisfy all the competencies set out in the Bar Professional Statement. Each pupil is allocated an overall Pupil Supervisor as well as two mentors. From the very beginning of pupillage our pupils work with a wide range of practitioners across Chambers, so that they can be assessed widely and receive the greatest variety of experiences.

The training and opportunities provided are of the highest quality, which ensures that pupils may move seamlessly into tenancy with busy and successful practices; having been nurtured in a warm and welcoming and collegiate chambers’ environment. All pupils have access to the best specialist clerking services to ensure the right exposure to instructing solicitors, as well as full administrative support.

Structure of Pupillage
This pupillage is designed primarily for undergraduates who are yet to start Bar School but we will accept applications from pre Bar school post graduates. In addition to the actual pupillage detailed above, the successful candidate will receive mentoring through their professional training course, they will have the opportunity to contribute to Chambers legal update newsletters, attend chambers functions and have access to chambers’ help and resources. 

Equality Diversity and Inclusion
We recruit pupils on the merit of their application, including relevant life experiences rather than simply focussing on academic achievement. We believe there is more to a good pupil than simply their undergraduate grades. 

How to Apply
Applications are invited directly to chambers only. The guidance and application forms can be found following this link:

Application Questions
1.What attributes do you possess that are required of the Family and/or Public Law barrister?

2.Why do you believe you will make a good barrister? In your answer, please identify any relevant experiences or skills that you believe may help you in your career.

3.Why do you want to join our chambers? In your answer, please give reasons for your choice of chambers and explain why you are interested in our areas of practice.

Any Other Relevant Information
We recruit pupils on the merit of their application, including relevant life experiences rather than simply focussing on academic achievement. That said, we do require either a degree at 2.1 level or a 2.2 with an LL.M pass or Masters degree as well as the requirement that that on completion of the vocational stage of training (BTC/BPC), a mark of at least 70% at first sitting (e.g. 70 D 1) is achieved.

The successful candidate will have demonstrably good communication skills, a commitment to their development as an outstanding advocate as well as a commitment to the independent bar and in particular the Family and Public Law bar throughout Leeds, Yorkshire and the North Eastern Circuit. They will also have an ability to engage well with clients, members of chambers and the clerks.

For our full pupillage booklet, please follow this link:  

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