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Tanfield Chambers – 12 months – September 2026

Please Note: The application deadline for this job has now passed.

Pupillage Vacancy Information

About Authorised Education and Training Organisation

Tanfield is a leading Property and Business set. Members cover all sectors of the property market including residential and commercial property, agriculture and rural affairs and infrastructure. There is specialist expertise in service charges, enfranchisement, boundary, and party wall disputes and building safety. Tanfield also has expertise in commercial disputes, company and insolvency, professional negligence, tax, and private client work. In addition to appearing in significant, precedent setting cases, Tanfield’s members also write, edit, and contribute to leading academic texts including the first BSA 2022 book: ‘The Building Safety Act: a guide for property lawyers.’


Structure of Pupillage

Chambers adopts a pro-active and involved approach to pupillage, taking on up to three pupils every year with a view to eventual tenancy. Our policy is only to recruit those we consider to be potential future tenants. Pupillage at Tanfield is divided into three periods of four months each with a different pupil supervisor. The aim is to introduce pupils to the core practice areas in Chambers, giving them experience of court work and the opportunity to work with as many members of Chambers as possible. During their second six months, pupils can expect to be in court regularly.


First Six Months.

(non-practising period)

Pupils shadow members including attending court and client conferences both in person and remote.

Second Six Months.

(practising period)

Pupils begin practical experience of being on their feet in court. Pupils do paperwork including opinions and pleadings.

Financial and Other Support Available

For successful applicants yet to undertake their Bar vocational training year, up to £20,000 of the award may be drawn down.


Equality Diversity and Inclusion

Tanfield Chambers is a firm believer in equal opportunities and we consider all applications for pupillage on merit- regardless of race, colour, ethnic or national origin, nationality, citizenship, sex, gender re-assignment, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, disability, age, religion or belief, or pregnancy and maternity.

We use the Rare Contextual Recruitment System, which allows us to understand each applicant’s achievements in the context in which they have been gained.

How to Apply
Aspiring barristers are invited to apply to chambers between 2 January 2025 and 6 February 2025 using the Pupillage Gateway application system to search for the relevant Pupillage Vacancy and selecting ‘Apply for this pupillage’.

Shortlisting and invitation to interviews normally take place between February and  March.

In addition to the standardised Bar Council questionnaire, candidates will be asked to respond to the following questions from Chambers:

1.  Why do you think you have the qualities to make a good barrister? (100-word limit)

2.  Why do you want to join our Chambers? In your answer, please give reasons for your choice of our Chambers and explain why you are interested in our areas of practice. (100-word limit) 

3.  Please identify up to three situations in which you have demonstrated advocacy skills (strictly limited to 100 words each example) including debating and mooting experience. Your example(s) may include any occasion on which you have used oral or written advocacy to achieve a desired end.

4.  Which provision of property law would you change and why?(100-word limit)

5.  Persuade us of a point of view on a subject of your choice, serious or otherwise. Please note, you need not hold the view yourself. (120-word limit)

6.  Chambers are recruiting pupils to start in 2025 and 2026. Please confirm which year(s) you would be able to start pupillage, and any preference. (100-word limit)

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