Please Note: The application deadline for this job has now passed.
Pupillage Vacancy Information
About Authorised Education and Training Organisation and Structure of Pupillage
12 months pupillage. Our trainee will experience Commercial, Insolvency, Aviation and ESG. Pupils will have their own caseload during the practicing period and will commence a civil law practice.
Financial and Other Support Available
Pupillage award of £30,000.00 per annum.
Equality Diversity and Inclusion
Whitestone Chambers implements equality and diversity in line with our policy which can be found, along with all of Chambers policies, at .
Chambers Accessibility Officer is Miss Heung. Please contact at FAO Mina Heung for any accessibility queries.
How to Apply
Cover letter (1 page only) and CV (2 pages only) along with certificates for degrees, higher degrees, bar exams and call to the Bar [if applicable] to
Any Other Relevant Information
Please visit for. further information about Chambers.